Now I know that most people have not heard of them, so I'll tell you about them. The **** I did not even have these components two days and a place fcked not even past the seventh flight if they do not support it, it's just really sad. Although there may be something happened at sea. Re turn when I wrote no master of his alias on here, he said the only thing he could do is that I send them back for them to try and see if I was telling the truth. As if he thought I was lying or BS like that he knows, im a straight guy, so he wanted me to pay shipping two ways to send back bad mated to him and send him some things for me. I even said I could not really money is really tight. So of course with them. But as for the audio components are horrible AD. Im now works Alpine Type S em love and they sound fantastic, clear sound and excellent mid-bass as
Reference article. LoudSpeaker Caraudio
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