วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

10" Image Dynamics IDQv3d4

I ordered woofersetc.com and there were no problems, triple the box and one day earlier. I would have ordered to record the identity, but I did not even know it existed until someone showed me here. Only because the factory for the same price ****.

I have my MRI takes about 500.1 500rms @ 2Ohm. I use 1 ft ^ 3 sealed. It's in my 1989 Cutlass Calais sedan. They are found in the trunk all the way to the seat in front of the trunk. New cd I made some test with some of these songs under you suggest, some Jeezy, and David Mathews now. This is really amazing. It is very accurate with a quick response. The bass is very simple, even some Mudvayne and System of a Down. Jeezy is strong my surprise, I'll probably get that measures just for fun. Minimums are low, not just push as much air as my 15 "IDQ so take a little getting used to, but the truth, is fine with me. As for David, which is the more I listen too, it sounds so natural * ** * and I live to love this.

The build quality is quite exceptional. I would say that it looks almost like a mini-MAX with the construction of the same quality. The terminals are woven into the spider, only the build quality very high. I think if they explode, you can now get recognition for them. Everything seems to be dismantled.

Great subwoofer overall, for me it's the best of both worlds because I did not find any sense to have a super high DD. I wouldnt mind competing with another car, but not a daily driver. I prefer a more concert type music where it melts together, and that makes it does. I had great before you even start DDS 2 12 "MTX 7500 in a MB Quart amp @ 1ohm 1200rms I think it could have been 1000rms. Boks were two cubes per driver allowed to 38Hz. I went to that a ten sealed with no problem at all.

Reference article. LoudSpeaker Caraudio

Similar article. LoudSpeaker Car Audio

