HU - Pioneer 880PRS
Tops - Rainbow Cal 25 driven by PPI a300.2 art 18dB/oct 3.15 @
MID - Rainbow Vanadium Kick-powered PG Xenon 200.2 80 HPF and LPF @ 12dB/oct 6dB/oct 3.15
Sub - 12 inch dish db driven by an arc of HPF 63/12db/oct 900.1D audio
Photos are coming soon, do not expect a super cool if the installation. I'm not that experienced in the installation, so if they look bad my excuse is that the car of my students. My old RE was the chipset components.
Eqiupment HU-Nice piece. I grouned the chasis of my car and had no buzzing or whining. I've always had this distortion of background in my previous system, but the problem was that it was founded in the dashboard. I did not want the real things HU floor and it is not necessary in my case because I have no problems. HU is amazing in itself because im use to carry out active and seems very upscale. You can even adjust the time of mid and tweeters subs separately. Auto TA is very good, unfortunately for me it sounds better than the EQ I set up. The only drawback is that there is that annoying beep every opportunity and I can turn it off. IPod interface is IMHO a bit slow, especially if you have nine gigs in your interface and you should look somewhere in the middle of the menu.
25 Cal - This is driven by ppi a300.2 art, get at least 75rms. Probably the cleanest and integrated amplifier best ever. The first impression is that the tweeters are very sharp, clean survey, of course, it becomes very difficult, but most likely has the potential to be stronger, because the gains are in the background. I see no turning point in the victory and to become stronger as a whole. Even with nearly full volume I did not hear any distortion. I honestly listeining using the song "Storm" and was afraid of how the song was. He was so detailed and clear and powerful right. I've never heard of a system of sound before. Everyhting just combines so well. People are kidding when they say that their details are not costs. It is very good off-axis, so I guess its more lenient at odd angles.
Vanadium Kick - I must admit I was not impressed at first .. Before jumping to the conclusion that I must say I am disappointed that the first 2 hours of listening. This was because it was cold outside, and I do not listen hard for a long time. As can probably be due to the suspension does not release or something. Anyway, I had about 5-6 hours on it and played more and more difficult. The trip was probably more than 1 cm. The shot was there, I can feel a bit on my chest. A point to note is that my script dosent vibrate as it did in my old compositions, probably because I added a pillow speaker, and put more deadedning around the speaker. Once again I have not heard this distortion from the speakers, and his most loud and clear and without any effort on my old unit. It is part of the vote fairly clean too. Impressive for a medium. This speaker is not a joke so far, and I'm 220rms lauhing to give the (RMS 150).
So far, you really feel like I can add, I try to turn up, because my profits may be too low. Whether you need a break-in, more power, or more victories.
Sub - it was before. If you can not drive db let me tell you strong enough woofer. You really can not compare with anything else, because my friends only 12 inches with 15 years as two systems and the power 2k + so of course im not basswise party. Anyone who has heard the submarine was impressed not dissaspointments, people and similar stores.
I would like to know ur opionons, feedback, suggestios, flaming, or anything that comes to mind. I dont mind the flaming, you probably know more critism of compliments. Thanks for the people, I purchased a product, I am disappointed that I bought nothing.
Reference article. LoudSpeaker Caraudio
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