I got my RL I-8 today. I opened the box, well packed, and this is small in mass in front of me. On 12, I had 10 years ago, did not have the magnet structures as large as this one. I put in a 1.25 cu granted to 28 Hz, powered by 500 watts RMS power amp of the United States. At first I thought the production was a little on the low side, so I increased the crossover point on my tires 50 to 80 Hz in hz.The come to life. CLEAN loud bass. Personally, I think the tuning of 28 Hz is too low, but I already had box.30-35 is probably more appropriate. I want the extension was down with authority. I must be careful with the crowd, but again that is probably due to the box size and tuning. This is a subwoofer around AMAZING, can not wait until the second coming, and they both get 500 watts each!
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